Hand and Wrist Structure
Wrists and hands are composed of numerous small bones which make up very complicated structures that can be easily damaged during an auto or motorcycle accident, or other types of accidents. Wrist and hand injuries are very common during these types of accidents and must be dealt with promptly.
Your wrist is made up of eight small bones known as carpals that support a tube which runs through the wrist. The tube, known as the carpal tunnel, has tendons and nerves running throughout and is covered by a ligament which holds it in place. As a result, the wrist can be damaged or fractured in any number of ways because of its intricate, delicate structure. If the nerves and tubes which carry those nerves are damaged, this can lead to a need for carpal tunnel surgery.
Common Wrist Surgeries
The most common wrist surgeries are for carpel tunnel syndrome, surgical removal of ganglions and cysts, and surgery to repair a broken wrist. A common surgical procedure for the wrist is a wrist fusion, used for incidents of severe trauma to the wrist or wrist arthritis. Wrist arthritis can occur as a result of traumatic incidents, such as auto or motorcycle accidents or other types of accidents.
Wrist surgery should be performed by a hand and wrist specialist or orthopedic surgeon who should be consulted about the injury. If you have any questions regarding your wrist or hand injury, please call Christopher Ligori & Associates at 812-223-2929 for a free consultation.