You get hit, and either the other driver speeds away, or the driver tells you that he or she doesn’t have insurance (or not enough insurance). What do you do?
According to the Insurance Research Council, in 2009, 24% of Florida residents were uninsured – one of the highest percentages in the nation. Even though auto insurance is mandatory in every state, you have a one-in-four chance of getting hit by someone without insurance.
It’s a problem that comes up all too often, and even though your PIP will cover up to 80% of your medical bills, you’re still stuck with the other 20% and property damage.
Ideally, you’re prepared for this with your own Uninsured Motorist coverage. In Florida, you have to sign an Uninsured Motorist rejection form in order to not have UM coverage, but some people choose that option to save a buck in the short term. What you might not know is that your insurance company must be able to produce that signed rejection form, otherwise, they’re responsible for providing you with Uninsured Motorist coverage.
So let’s say you have Uninsured Motorist coverage. UM benefits not only supplement your regular coverage for medical bills, they also provide for lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, you still have to deal with the insurance company adjuster, who still does not want to pay you more than a minimal amount for your accident. This is where hiring our firm will save you time, headaches, and probably a substantial amount of money.