Everyone should know that property damage adjusters work for the insurance companies, just as much as the injury adjusters do. Keep in mind they have the same interest in saving the insurance company money. Be very careful when dealing with property damage adjusters. Anything you say or do in front of them can be used against you. Many times, they will record the conversations you have with them and use them against your injury case. At times, property damage adjusters will play tricks that can help their case against you and will share them with the bodily injury attorneys.
One of these tricks is that the property damage adjuster will ask you to reach or bend to get something out of your glove compartment or the trunk of your car. Once you do as they ask, they will then take a photograph of you to be used later at trial. The property damage adjuster is not recording the pain you are in. They are not recording that you may be screaming or wincing or if you turn around and tell them about the pain you are experiencing. They are only showing a picture of you reaching into the glove compartment or trunk to get a document they have requested. This is just one of the tricks property adjusters may try to use and then spin what happened against you in an auto accident case.
I strongly advise you to NEVER meet with a property damage adjuster in person. If you MUST speak with a property damage adjuster, only talk about the property damage to your vehicle. DO NOT talk about your injuries, how the accident took place, or about anything other than the damage, when you can get your rental car, or if you can expect to have your car repaired by a certain date or time.
That being said, I strongly suggest you have no contact with a property damage adjuster whatsoever and let the offices of Christopher Ligori and Associates speak to them on your behalf. When you have a lawyer speaking for you, that conversation cannot be used against you in a court of law. Thus, it is much safer to have your attorney speak or write letters on your behalf.
However, there is a part of the property damage that your law office cannot help you with, and that is whether your car is fixed properly, whether the paint color is right, whether it is driving properly, etc. Your attorney cannot answer those questions, simply because they never had experience with the vehicle ahead of time. Also, if your car has been totaled, your attorney will not be able to help you with the value of your car prior to the accident. Your attorney will not know how many miles you had on your car, the condition of your vehicle, if you had any add-ons, or any additional features. Please keep contact with any adjuster to an absolute minimum.