How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take?
Go to How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take?A car accident can affect a person’s life in more ways than one. In addition to the physical injuries that you may have sustained, there are also financial damages from the wreck. If you choose to file a claim for compensation, it is important to know how long this process takes so that you can…
Car Accident Compensation: How Much Money Will I Get In My Car Accident Settlement?
Go to Car Accident Compensation: How Much Money Will I Get In My Car Accident Settlement?A frequent question we hear from clients is, “how much car accident compensation can I get from my settlement?” Well, a car accident claim varies depending on many factors, including who was at fault for the crash, the severity of the car accident victim’s injuries, and how much insurance coverage is available. If you have…
You’ve been injured in a car accident, now what?
Go to You’ve been injured in a car accident, now what?Ok, so this is the dreadful moment that nobody wants to be in. You’ve been involved in a car accident and now you are injured. You may have just been in an accident or you’ve already been to the hospital or emergency room. Here are 3 things to consider if you have been injured in…
Why should you talk to a lawyer after getting into a car accident?
Go to Why should you talk to a lawyer after getting into a car accident?Nobody wants to get into a car accident, but life happens. There are over 1,000 car accidents in the Tampa area every single month and most people who get into car accidents don’t understand the importance of speaking with an attorney. By no means do you need to hire a lawyer after your car accident…
3 Things You Need To Know In An Auto Accident
Go to 3 Things You Need To Know In An Auto AccidentAs you know, Chris Ligori & Associated helps those injured in Automobile, Motorcycle, Trucking, Slip/Trip/Fall Accidents, Defective Products and Victims of Violent Crimes. Please remember that if you are injured a car accident, please note that Florida’s PIP law can significantly affect your ability to pay your medical bills, if you do not follow certain…
Stay Safe with These Fourth of July Driving Tips
Go to Stay Safe with These Fourth of July Driving TipsThe summer is marked with patriotic holidays, though the Fourth of July may be the hallmark of the summer. With a focus on the founding of the nation and spectacular celebrations dotting the Tampa Bay area, the Fourth of July is a great time to gather together, whether for backyard grilling or beach fireworks. While…
What are the best types of Doctors to see after an Auto Accident?
Go to What are the best types of Doctors to see after an Auto Accident?Choosing your doctor can be very difficult when someone is in an auto accident. It becomes even more complicated depending on your injuries. Certainly, someone in a catastrophic accident and who has suffered a catastrophic injury such as brain damage, broken bones or some other extreme injury are much different than what most people receive from…
Were You In A Car Accident Caused By An Overworked Taxi Driver?
Go to Were You In A Car Accident Caused By An Overworked Taxi Driver?Were you in an auto accident with the taxi driver? You might have seen this news story about the danger that tired and overworked talk to drivers pose to everyone else—the taxi’s passengers, other drivers and their passengers, and innocent bystanders just walking on the sidewalk or crossing the street. You might be surprised to learn…
It Is Important to Speak to an Attorney Before an Insurance Adjuster
Go to It Is Important to Speak to an Attorney Before an Insurance AdjusterIt is crucial to speak with an attorney first before you speak with any insurance company representative, whether it is the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier or your own. Be very cautious when speaking to an insurance company adjuster. Following an auto crash, please consider the following list of things not to do when you are…
7 Must Know Issues if Your UBER Driver Gets Into an Accident
Go to 7 Must Know Issues if Your UBER Driver Gets Into an AccidentCurrently, the Florida Legislature is reviewing the nature of the employer/employee relationship at transportation networking companies like UBER. This determination will ultimately affect whether UBER shares the responsibility for any injuries that may occur as the result of an accident involving an UBER vehicle. UBER has lobbied for proposals that would classify the drivers as…
Distracted Driving Accidents Can Kill
Go to Distracted Driving Accidents Can KillFollow these tips to keep yourself and your passengers safe All it takes is one split second, and life can change forever. When you’re behind the wheel and your eyes leave the road, you’re driving distracted, and that’s dangerous. Driving should not be considered a secondary task; it should be your only task when you…
How Car Accident Animations Create Powerful Testimony in a Personal Injury Case that Goes to Trial
Go to How Car Accident Animations Create Powerful Testimony in a Personal Injury Case that Goes to TrialEveryone knows the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This could not be truer than in the courtroom, where animations and diagrams can be powerful tools to prove a case. We recently represented a woman who tragically lost both legs as the result of a car crash. Using physical evidence and witness testimony…