Often large corporations will charge fees to individuals that they are not allowed by law to charge. For example, a bank or credit card company may charge each customer an unallowable $2 per month fee. If the bank or entity has 10 million customers and they charge that monthly fee to each customer, the bank will make $20 million per month. However, the $2 per month fee would not be enough for anyone to file an individual lawsuit. However, if these individuals band together in a mass tort lawsuit, they may pursue the corporation in a legal action. Nonetheless, attorneys’ fees and costs for mass tort litigation can run into hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of dollars, depending on the type of case. As such, an individual may choose to be a part of a class action settlement rather than be part of a mass tort case.
Why should you talk to a lawyer after getting into a car accident?
Nobody wants to get into a car accident, but life happens. There are over 1,000 car accidents in the Tampa area every