By the Court making these findings about the likelihood of success of the actual injunction, it set the stage for invaliding the entire Statute. This was a positive sign for all Floridians, who have not had their insurance rates lowered as promised by supporters of the new statute, but yet had the benefits lowered from $10,000.00 to only $2,500.00. While this Court’s ruling takes out some of the more onerous parts of Florida’s new PIP Statute, there are still many others still in place that are very anti-consumer and only seek to harm Floridians but increase the profits of big insurance companies.
As for now the defense has appealed the judge’s ruling and we are awaiting their decision as to uphold the temporary restraining order, reverse it or send it directly to the Florida Supreme Court for them to rule on the judge’s order. We will keep updating this blog as to any new developments.
If you have any questions regarding Florida’s new PIP Statute or the Court’s ruling, please call the law firm of Christopher Ligori & Associates at 877-444-2929.